Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kavya's understanding of people

I am amazed by how quickly my little girl is growing up! We were at the library yesterday. As we were about to leave, the librarian told me: You have a pretty girl!

As we walked out, this is how our conversation went:
Me: Did you hear that Kavya? The librarian said that you are a pretty girl. Everybody says that about you.
Kavya: Well mom, that's because she is a grownup, and grownups only say nice things! Has any grownup looked at you and said you are stupid?
Me: No.
Kavya: Exactly. Because grownups say nice things.
Me: Does that mean that kids may say not so nice things?
Kavya: Yes, if somebody is stupid, we will call them stupid!

When I told this to Saurabh, his reaction was: Well, she seems to have figured something that even I may not have figured out yet

This conversation really set me thinking: Isn't it amazing how kids speak their minds and we seem to lose the ability to do so as we grow older!!


  1. Amazing! What she's discovered is so profound!
    It's so true, kids are really straight forward. When I see Kathir smile at strangers, frown at friends, and run to elderly folks in the apartment... he is so spontaneous, has no inhibitions, and so straight from the heart... We think twice even before smiling at a known face!

  2. wow! seriously Rash that's one smart cookie you have :D You're going to have quite the roller coaster ride when she hits the teen years!

  3. @Geeta, completely agree :)
    @Mira, she is 5 years old! Btw, enjoyed seeing Kinshuk and your snaps and hope to meet you sometime soon.
    @Vai vai, don't even want to think abt it :D

  4. Wow! that's so profound ! kind of stuff you only read in email forwards - but how true !
